
Buy .COM.QA Domain Name

Check Your .COM.QA Domain Name Availability

.COM.QA Domain Introduction

The .COM.QA domain is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Qatar, and is specifically intended for businesses and organizations operating in Qatar or targeting Qatari audiences. Regieter or buy .COM.QA domain name can help establish a strong online presence for businesses looking to expand their reach in Qatar. The .COM.QA domain is managed by the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of Qatar and can only be registered through local accredited domain registrars. With a .COM.QA domain, businesses and organizations can show their commitment to Qatar and establish credibility with their target audience.

Buy .COM.QA domain extension and secure your identity today.

.com.qa domain

Requirements for registering .COM.QA Domain Name


Third-Level Domain Names ending with the Suffix “com.qa” are Domain Names for commercial entities duly registered in the State of Qatar. Applicants for a com.qa Domain Name must either. (a) have a valid trade license issued within the State of Qatar issued by the Ministry of Business and Trade and/or the competent authorities of the State of Qatar in accordance with Qatari laws; or (b) registered holder of a trade mark in the State of Qatar. The Client(Registrant) MUST provide such evidence through Support Ticket immediately after order has been placed.

What is the eligibility for .COM.QA domain?
Should be Commercial organization or registered trademark in Qatar
Where to submit my document for registering .COM.QA?
Once your order is placed, submit document by Support Ticket  
How long .COM.QA domain takes to registration approval?
.COM.QA will activate in 1-2 Hours after order is placed and submitted document
How long .COM.QA domain takes to transfer?
.COM.QA domain Transferred in 48 Hours
What is the .COM.QA domain Registration/Renewal Terms?
1,2,3,4 & 5 Years
Does .COM.QA domain privacy supported?
Only Your Business Entity is visible in WHOIS

Why should you buy .COM.QA domain name from Unitech?

Unitech is one of the leading domain name registrars and web hosting providers in Qatar. Buying a .COM.QA domain name from Unitech has several advantages, including:

  • Reliable service: Unitech offers reliable domain name registration and web hosting services. Their servers are located in Qatar, ensuring fast and secure access to your website.
  • Competitive pricing: Unitech offers competitive pricing for .COM.QA domain name registration, making it an affordable option for businesses and individuals.
  • Expert support: Unitech has a team of expert support staff who are available 24/7 to assist with any domain name or web hosting issues. They can provide guidance on domain name selection, domain transfer, and website hosting.
  • Additional services: Unitech offers additional services such as VPS Hosting, Dedicated Servers, SSL certificates, Microsoft Office and SiteLock to help businesses and individuals establish a strong online presence.
  • Local presence: Unitech is based in Qatar, which means they have a good understanding of the local market and can provide personalized service to their clients.

Overall, buying a .COM.QA domain name from Unitech can be a great option for businesses and individuals looking to establish a strong online presence in Qatar. With reliable service, competitive pricing, and expert support, Unitech can help you take your business to the next level.

To check the availability of a Qatari domain and buy, simply type in the search input above.

Have any difficulty to choose right Qatar Domain .COM.QA or other ccTLD for your requirements?, contact Unitech customer service via Live Chat or submit Support Ticket, we will guide you.

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